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Oral Sedation: How It Works

Oral Sedation: How It Works

At Guildford Dental, our Surrey dentists provide oral sedation for patients who feel nervous about their dental treatment. Here’s how the process works.

Depending on the dosage, oral sedation can can have a range of effects, from mild to moderate. With mild sedation, you’ll take a pill (Halcion, which is similar to Valium, is the most frequently prescribed) about an hour before your procedure. You’ll still be fully conscious, but perhaps a bit drowsy.

Moderate sedation is more common, and may make you feel drowsy enough to fall asleep during the procedure.

Depending on your requirements and stress level, a variety of single or incremental dose protocols may be prescribed as early as a full day before the dental appointment.

Benefits of Oral Sedatives

Oral sedatives reduce anxiety, and in addition to helping the patients feel more comfortable, in some cases it allow dentists to perform procedures in fewer appointments, and sometimes in less time overall.

What is the oral sedation process like?

During your initial consultation, we will discuss your needs and concerns regarding your upcoming procedure. We will also review your medical history and lifestyle habits (such as whether or not you smoke, your alcohol use, and even what vitamins and supplements you take).

Based on the information obtained during your consultation, we will give you a sedative prescription. These may need to be taken up to a full day before your appointment, or as little as an hour before, or both, again depending on your specific needs.

Since you cannot drive while under the effects of a sedative, you must have a friend or family member drive you to and from our office on the day of your appointment.

During your dental procedure, our team will carefully monitor you to make sure you continue to feel comfortable and relaxed.

After your appointment, your companion should drive you straight back home. We recommend you take the rest of the day off of work or school, and do not operate any heavy machinery for the next 24 hours.

Also be sure to drink lots of fluids and remain well hydrated after your sedation dentistry appointment. Most patients feel no side effects a day after their appointment, and are able to return to their normal daily routines.

If you think you feel nervous about undergoing dental treatment, oral sedation may help. Contact our Surrey dentists today for a consultation.

From Our Team

  • It is our commitment to provide you with dental care that will enhance not only your oral health, but also the quality of your life. We are pleased to offer a complete range of dental services at our Surrey location, in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
    - Dr. Anna Rosenczweig

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