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Sedation Options for Anxious Patients

At Guildford Dental, we offer sedation services for patients who feel anxious about their next dental appointment.

Nervous Patients, Sedation Dentistry Surrey

Nervous about visiting the dentist? Let us help.

If you get anxious about visiting the dentist, you're not alone. Often, even those who visit the dentist on a regular basis still feel anxious about it.

Fear is one of the biggest reason people avoid dentists. But it doesn't have to be!

If you experience anxiety about visiting the dentist, we can help. Guildford dental offers a variety of safe, effective sedation options that will help you feel more at ease during your next dental appointment.

Sedation helps patients relax while undergoing dental procedures. That means that you're more likely to get dental care when you need it – and better oral health as a result!

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation for dentistry is the use medication to help ease patients' anxiety before, during and after dental treatment.

We often recommend sedation for patients who get significantly nervous about dental procedures, or who need complex treatment, have time constraints, or have a severe gag reflex.

Sedation Options

Oral Sedation

Oral sedatives are easily administered in the form of liquid or pills. These medications can be taken the night before an appointment to help you sleep, and/or one hour before your appointment to reduce anxiety leading up to and during treatment.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide, otherwise known as laughing gas, is an inhaled gas. Since each person is different, the gas levels can easily be adjusted to your needs during your appointment.

Is Dental Sedation for You?

We want you to feel relaxed and comfortable during each appointment at Guildford Dental, and reducing your anxiety about your dental treatment is an important part of that.

If you experience any of the issues listed below, please talk to our team about sedation for dentistry:
  • Fear of needles or pain
  • High anxiety about dental treatment
  • Difficulty getting numb with local anaesthetic
  • Sensitivity to sensory stimulation (touch, smells, sights and sounds)
  • Very sensitive teeth
  • Extensive dental treatment
  • Complicated procedures
  • Strong gag reflex
  • TMJ issues - difficulty opening mouth
  • Young child in need of treatment

From Our Team

  • We love caring for the oral health of the Surrey community, and we're always welcoming new patients. We'd love to meet you and your family!
    - Dr. Anna Rosenczweig

We're Pleased to Announce

We're Moving to a New Location.

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