When you first get dentures you may find that talking isn’t quite as easy with your new dental appliance in your mouth. Here are a few tips on how to get better at speaking while wearing your dentures.
Regardless of whether your dentures are removable or permanent, talking can feel pretty awkward until you become accustomed to your new teeth.
You could experience changes or difficulties in your speech in the early days, even if you wear the best dentures available. You might find that you have trouble pronouncing S’s and F’s, and your dentures may shift or make clicking noises while you’re speaking.
Rest assured, practice makes perfect. You’ll gradually get used to your dentures and over time you'll go back to feeling perfectly comfortable when talking.
Here's a few tips to help you get adjusted to your new dentures:
Dentures change the anatomy of your mouth which can increase or alter the sound of your voice. Before you had dentures, when you were speaking vibrations travelled through the bones of your jaw and skull. Now, with the dentures in place, that’s bound to sound a bit different. It's important to note that the difference is much more noticeable to you than to anyone listening to you speak.
If you notice clicking sounds when you talk, just try speaking a little more slowly. Speaking more slowly will help to prevent additional movements that lift or shift your lower denture. It will take a little practice to keep your lower denture stable since it requires help from the muscles in your lips, tongue, and cheeks.
Try biting down gently and swallowing before you begin to talk. This will help to keep your dentures in their proper position.
If you find that your dentures frequently slip out of place denture adhesive may be the answer. Speak to your dentist to find out if denture adhesive is a good way for you to keep your dentures in place.
Practice speaking even when you’re alone! Read out loud to yourself, repeating words that you have trouble pronouncing.
Be sure to talk to your friends, family and pets frequently since daily speech practice will help you talk with confidence.